Reciprocity in trade ( between countries) (国与国之间的)贸易互惠。
The subsequent decline of China as a world power can be traced back to the decision to ignore the need for reciprocity in trade. 中国这个曾经的强大国家因此而逐渐趋弱,这一切的根源可以追溯到无视国际贸易互惠需要的错误决策。
The two countrics have signed a new agreement based on reciprocity in trade. 两国签署了贸易互惠的新协议。
As long as China and the EU follow the principles of reciprocity and mutual benefit in properly addressing trade frictions and other issues, we will achieve the target of reaching 1 trillion US dollars of trade by 2020. 中欧只要本着互惠互利原则处理好贸易摩擦等问题,就有希望实现2020年贸易额达到1万亿美元的目标。